The Fraternity Verbum Spei was born in 2012, in México, under Don Raul Vera Lopez o.p., bishop of the diocese of Saltillo. Since 2016, the Fraternity has another house in Europe, in the archdiocese of Luxembourg.

A Contemplative Life

The brothers live a life hidden in God with Christ (Col 3,3), rooted in a formation of listening closely to the one Word of God, who is both the Word in the Church and the Word given to the world (Verbum Domini).

They put their hope in the Father of Mercies (2 Cor 1, 3-4), who so loved the world that He has given His only Son (Jn 3, 16).

They follow Christ, professing the evangelical councils of poverty, chastity and obedience. They live their consecration in Mary’s shadow, in order to fully be brothers of the hope that they are called to prophesy (Pope Francis: Homily of the 2nd of February 2017).

A Missionary Life

Aware of the urgency to announce the joy of the Gospel to all those who have lost hope and who ignore Christ, the brothers want to be witnesses for them of Jesus, dead and risen for all men, and to give them the Good News of their salvation with a deep respect of each person, of their dignity, of their situation and of their culture.

A missionary spirit animates the hearts of the brothers and leads them to carry the extreme situations of the world of today, especially “the crisis of truth in which we live.” (Lumen Fidei n°25). In this way they are witnesses of Christ’s mercy.

For this reason, the brothers would like to take to heart the apostolic letter of Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, as a charter of their missionary life. Evangelii Gaudium invites them to put the joy of the Gospel at the heart of their personal and communal life.

An Evangelic Life

The brothers lead a fraternal community life. While being open to receiving visitors, they also engage in diverse apostolates which put them at the service of the universal Church while prioritizing the needs of their local church.

In this way the brothers want to respond to the call of the second Vatican Council and live of the spirit of the new evangelization which Pope Francis demanded (Evangelii Gaudium, ch 5.).